Join us on Monday, July 27 at 10 am for a special Cares webcast to support family caregivers./medsimcentreCategory: Medicine and Health Sciences
Medical Simulation Centre
As you may know, Library has partnered with the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI) and a coalition of 17 other Quebec universities to implement a unified catalogue that rolled...
The pandemic has created many challenges for small businesses, but ’s startup incubator has been given a boost thanks to a generous $3-million gift from the John Dobson Foundation....
The recent shift to remote work is changing the types of skills graduates need to succeed in the workplace. According to Marie-José Beaudin, Executive Director of Career Services at the Desautels...
The Department Educational and Counselling Psychology/educationCategory: Faculty of Education
Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology
Oral defence
For the last several decades we have been conditioned to assume that necessities like food items and cleaning supplies will be readily available whenever we require them. But the COVID-19 pandemic...
« Les éleveurs produisent pour nourrir les gens et des normes sont mises en place pour s’assurer que cette production est adéquate, explique l’agronome et professeur à la Faculté des sciences de l...