CongratulationstoChristopher Baileyon his new publication"Effects of old age on fatigability and sensorimotor characteristics of a repetitive upper limb fatiguing task" in PLoS ONE 15(7):...
Congratulations to Chris Bailey for successfully defending his PhD“Biomechanics and physiology of motor variability in repetitive movements of young and old male and female adults”....
Join us on August 12 at noon for the next webcast in our weekly series, Cares, designed to support informal careg/medsimcentreCategory:Medicine and Health Sciences
Medical Simulation Centre
On Friday July 31, the Desautels Faculty of Management welcomed a new cohort of 52 Masters of Management in Analytics (MMA) students, selected from among 608 applicants. The incoming cohort hails...
Despite the pressure to perform, Professor Patricia Faison Hewlin’s research shows that being authentic and showing your true self in the workplace leads to higher work satisfaction.
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In an article in the Tribune,Associate Provost of Teaching and Academic Programs, Christopher Buddle, expressed the University’s renewed commitment to remote delivery as the safest and most...
Phragmite, panais sauvage, herbe à poux, nerprun, renoué du Japon: ce sont toutes des plantes envahissantes, nuisibles à un certain degré, qui prennent de plus en plus de place sur les terres...