
5 good reasons to run a Centraide campaign

  1. Centraide’s goal is to break the cycle of poverty and social exclusion to make our community a better place that benefits everyone.
  2. Thanks to its territorial analyses, Centraide can invest where needs are most urgent and adapt its strategies to the realities of each neighbourhood.
  3. Centraide helps 800,000 people in Greater Montreal and supports nearly 350 agencies and projects.
  4. If the agencies supported by Centraide had to raise this money on their own, fundraising costs would increase by $9M, and this amount would therefore not go directly to the people who need it.
  5. By running a Centraide campaign at your company, you can spend some amazing moments connecting with your coworkers.

Since the pandemic hit, poverty and social exclusion in Greater Montreal have changed, but not for the better. The proof is in the initial data from the crisis:

24K Number of women who dropped out of the labour market in Quebec. With less money, these women found themselves less capable of handling adversity.
12.9% of the lowest-paid workers lost their jobs compared with 1.9% of highest-paid workers. Prolonged periods out of work due to lockdowns significantly increased income inequality.
+ 10 Percentage point that youth academic success rate gap increased by more than 10 percentage point between people from privileged backgrounds and disadvan- taged backgrounds.
+3K Number of homeless people we estimate that the number of homeless people in Montreal doubled from 3,000 to 6,000.
100K Number of seniors who live alone in Montreal, a reality that is particularly difficult during the pandemic and increases the risk of social isolation.
38% of 18- to 24-year-olds in Quebec are reported to have experienced anxiety. We fear that the situation is affecting youth success rates, especially those of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

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