Physiology Careers
Location: Martin Theatre – McIntyre Bldg
dzٱ:Registration will close at noon on Tues, Jan 16, 2018
This event will present a snap shot of possible career paths in Physiology. Find out from our guest speakers how key career decisions were made, how they got their foot in the door, and the challenges they may have encountered along the way.
6:00-6:10 Welcome and Overview of the Evening
6:10-6:40 Valerie Walker; Vice President of Talent and Skills, Business Council of Canada
6:40-7:10 Nour Malek; Medical Writer, IC Axon
7:10-7:40 Diana Colizzia; Global Head, POP and Grants Governance, Novartis Pharmaceuticals
7:40-8:10 Carmen Lampron; Director - Project for the Life Sciences Complex,
8:10-8:30 CaPS Presentation; Career Planning Service,
8:30-9:00 Refreshments – Networking Game – CAPS Table
Learning Outcomes
By attending these sessions, students will be able to:
1) Understand how a Physiology degree equips them with career-related skills
2) Identify potential industries and roles for further exploration
3) Understand the connection between transferable skills and employability
Registration required through . Keyword search “Physiology” in the events section