Congratulations to graduate student Florence Mayrand, postdoc Dr. Sarah McCrackin, and Prof. Ristic for their recent publication in Nature Communications Psychology! The paper is titled,...
Beginning in the 1980s, a number of key literary institutions transformed in ways that either expressly or implicitly promoted historical fiction as contemporary literature’s most prestigious and...
The jury has done its work, the finalists are being announced, and the next anthology is taking shape. READ THE POEMS that are in the running for the Montreal Prize 2024! The one winning poem, to...
Victoria Anson, a fourth-year Materials Engineering Co-op Program student, received the Lucy Rosato Undergraduate Scholarship in Science and Engineering at the 63rd Annual Conference of...
Congratulations to Prof. Bagot, her lab, and their co-authors for their recent publication in Nature Neuroscience! The paper is titled, Sex-biased neural encoding of threat discrimination in...