This summer, I had the amazing opportunity to work alongside Prof. Dietlind Stolle on her two projects concerning the societal and political issues of political affective polarization in Europe,...
This research proposes the development of a user-friendly animated mapping system to elucidate and visualize the movements of people and goods in history. We focus on the possible migrations taken...
Throughout the summer of 2022, I examined sentence-final particles in Igala (Niger-Congo; Yoruboid), a minority language spoken in Nigeria. These particles were previously argued to be located in...
My research internship was in the Department of Geography’s New Cities Lab under the supervision of Professor Sarah Moser. The New Cities Lab explores many interesting projects related to the...
As an ARIA intern with Professor Levy I had the opportunity to wear many hats in the breadth of academic work I was able to do. I copy-edited chapters of The Oxford Handbook of Classics in...
Increasing women’s employment has been a popular objective of the development process. However, after being exposed to the human development perspective that situates well-being at the heart of...
My research project set out to investigate the seasonal variation in the thermal tolerance of an imperilled freshwater fish, the Lake Chubsucker (Erimyzon sucetta). I conducted this research on the...
The purpose of my research was to utilize the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the increase in gender unemployment rates between rural and urban United States during the COVID-19 pandemic...