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Study abroadSTDABR047g.(Independent study or self-designed majorINDSTD047h.dCulminating senior experience (capstone course, senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam, etc.)SNRX048a. ENVSTU (SCE)01 Unfriendly, Unsupportive, Sense of alienation+7 Friendly, Supportive, Sense of belonging8b. ENVFAC (SCE)(1 Unavailable, Unhelpful, Unsympathetic"7 Available, Helpful, SympatheticY 8c. ENVADM (SCE)"1 Unhelpful, Inconsiderate, Rigid!7 Helpful, Considerate, Flexible9a.Preparing for class (studying, reading, writing, doing homework or lab work, analyzing data, rehearsing, and other academic activities)ACADPR010 hr/wk 1-5 hr/wk 6-10 hr/wk 11-15 hr/wk 16-20 hr/wk 21-25 hr/wk 26-30 hr/wk 30+ hr/wk9b.WORKON019c.WORKOF019d.Participating in co-curricular activities (organizations, campus publications, student government, fraternity or sorority, intercollegiate or intramural sports, etc.)COCURR019e.6Relaxing and socializing (watching TV, partying, etc.)SOCIAL059f.OProviding care for dependents living with you (parents, children, spouse, etc.)CAREDE019g.+Commuting to class (driving, walking, etc.)COMMUTE10a.BSpending significant amounts of time studying and on academic workENVSCHOL10b.?Providing the support you need to help you succeed academicallyENVSUPRT(SCE)10c.dEncouraging contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgroundsENVDIVRS10d.MHelping you cope with your non-academic responsibilities (work, family, etc.)ENVNACAD10e.1Providing the support you need to thrive sociallyENVSOCAL10f.gAttending campus events and activities (special speakers, cultural performances, athletic events, etc.)ENVEVENT10g. Using computers in academic workENVCOMPT11a.#Acquiring a broad general educationGNGENLED11b.2Acquiring job or work-related knowledge and skillsGNWORK11c. Writing clearly and effectivelyGNWRITE11d. Speaking clearly and effectivelyGNSPEAK11e.$Thinking critically and analyticallyGNANALY11f.Analyzing quantitative problemsGNQUANT11g.*Using computing and information technologyGNCMPTS11h.Working effectively with othersGNOTHERS11i.-Voting in local, state, or national electionsGNCITIZN11j. Learning effectively on your ownGNINQ11k.Understanding yourselfGNSELF11l.=Understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgroundsGNDIVERS11m.#Solving complex real-world problemsGNPROBSV11n.0Developing a personal code of values and ethicsGNETHICS11o..Contributing to the welfare of your communityGNCOMMUN11p.+Developing a deepened sense of spiritualityGNSPIRIT12.gOverall, how would you evaluate the quality of academic advising you have received at your institution?ADVISEPoorFairGood Excellent13.NHow would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this institution?ENTIREXP14.ZIf you could start over again, would you go to the same institution you are now attending?2CSAMECOLL Definitely no Probably no Probably yesDefinitely yes Mean Diff.Mean!LEVEL OF ACADEMIC CHALLENGE (LAC)'ACTIVE AND COLLABORATIVE LEARNING (ACL)!STUDENT-FACULTY INTERACTION (SFI)< 'ENRICHING EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES (EEE)#SUPPORTIVE CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT (SCE)SampleVariable NamesClass Weighting Variables Benchmark LAC: Level of Academic Challenge&ACL: Active and Collaborative Learning SFI: Student-Faculty Interaction&EEE: Enriching Educational Experiences"SCE: Supportive Campus EnvironmentColumn Percentage (%)>Response options listed just as they appear on the instrument.15.AgeAGE 19 or younger20-2324-2930-3940-55Over 5516. Your sex:SEXMaleFemale17.5Are you an international student or foreign national?INTERNATNoYes18.@What is your racial or ethnic identification? (Select only one.)RACE05(American Indian or other Native American*Asian, Asian American, or Pacific IslanderBlack or African AmericanWhite (non-Hispanic)Mexican or Mexican American Puerto RicanOther Hispanic or Latino MultiracialOtherI prefer not to respond19.CLASS Unclassified20.ENTER Started hereStarted elsewhere21.Since graduating from high school, which of the following types of schools have you attended other than the one you are attending now? (Select all that apply.)VOTECH05Vocational or technical schoolCOMCOL05Community or junior collegeFOURYR05"4-year college other than this oneNONE05OCOL1_0522.ENRLMENTLess than full-time Full-time DISTEDDISNONE"No, I do not have any disabilitiesDISSENSE4Yes, I have a sensory impairment (vision or hearing)DISMOBIL!Yes, I have a mobility impairmentDISLEARN!Yes, I have a learning disabilityDISMENT$Yes, I have a mental health disorderDISOTHERYes, I have another disabilityDISREFUSI choose not to answer23.2Are you member of a social fraternity or sorority?FRATSORO24.YAre you a student-athlete on a team sponsored by your institution's athletics department?ATHLETE25.AWhat have most of your grades been up to now at this institution?GRADES04 C- or lowerCC+B-BB+A-A26.LIVENOWNone of the above27a.BWhat is the highest level of education that your father completed?1 7FATHREDUDid not finish HSGraduated from HSAttended, no degreeCompleted Associate'sCompleted Bachelor'sCompleted Master'sCompleted Doctorate27b.BWhat is the highest level of education that your mother completed?1 7MOTHREDU28.@Primary major or expected primary major, in collapsed categoriesMAJRPCOLArts and HumanitiesBiological ScienceBusiness Education EngineeringPhysical Science ProfessionalSocial Science Undecided29.mSecond major or expected second major (not minor, concentration, etc.) if applicable, in collapsed categoriesMAJRSCOLInstitution reported: GenderGENDER'Institution reported: Race or ethnicityETHNICITAfrican American/BlackAm. Indian/Native Amer.Asian/Pacific IslanderCaucasian/WhiteForeign Multi-racialUnknown'Institution reported: Enrollment statusENROLLMT Part-timelThese pages contain items from the Canadian version of NSSE that differ from the U.S. version and are not comparable. Refer to your Selected Comparison Groups Report to see which Canadian institutions were in each of your three comparison groups. Be aware that selected comparison groups containing U.S. institutions are not fully represented in these frequencies.Are you a Canadian citizen?INTRN_CAEthno-cultural information is collected to support programs that promote equal opportunity for everyone. Are you & (Select all that apply.)ETH_CA1WhiteETH_CA2North American IndianETH_CA3MtisETH_CA4InuitETH_CA5ChineseETH_CA6 South AsianETH_CA7BlackETH_CA8FilipinoETH_CA9Latin AmericanETH_CA10Southeast AsianETH_CA11ArabETH_CA12 West AsianETH_CA13JapaneseETH_CA14KoreanETH_CA15Since graduating from high school, which of the following types of schools have you attended other than the one you are attending now? (Select all that apply.)VOC05_CACOM05_CAFRY05_CAUniversity other than this oneGEN05_CA)CEGEP (general or pre-university program)PRF05_CA)CEGEP (professional or technical program)TRN05_CAPrivate training institutionNON05_CAOTH_CAFATHR_CA"Some or completed college or CEGEP(Attended university w/out earning degreeMOTHR_CAf Statistical significance represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. c The 95% confidence interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus 1.96 times the standard error of the mean.95th75th50th25th5thSig. fSEM cSD b  Effect size g Deg. of Freedom e Percentiles d &Reference Group Comparison StatisticsDistribution StatisticsMean Statisticste Degrees of freedom used to compute the t-tests. Values vary for the total Ns due to the equal variance assumption._The name of each variable appears in the first column for easy reference to your raw data file.xThe items from the NSSE survey appear in the left column in the same order and wording as they appear on the instrument. BenchmarksSTo focus discussions about the importance of student engagement and to guide institutional improvement efforts, NSSE created five Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice: Level of Academic Challenge, Active and Collaborative Learning, Student-Faculty Interaction, Enriching Educational Experiences, and Supportive Campus Environment. 5All results displayed in this report are unweighted. )3The dispersion of the first-year and senior benchmark scores for your institution and your selected comparison or consortium groups.Statistical Significance Effect Size+Effect size indicates the practical significance of the mean difference. It is calculated by dividing the mean difference by the pooled standard deviation. In practice, an effect size of .2 is often considered small, .5 moderate, and .8 large. A positive sign indicates that your institution s mean was greater, thus showing an affirmative result for the institution. A negative sign indicates the institution lags behind the comparison group, suggesting that the student behavior or institutional practice represented by the item may warrant attention. Benchmarks with mean differences that are larger than would be expected by chance alone are generally noted with one of three significance levels (p<.05, p< .01, and p<.001). The smaller the significance level, the smaller the likelihood that the difference is due to chance. Please note that statistical significance does not guarantee that the result is substantive or important. Large sample sizes (as with the NSSE project) tend to produce more statistically significant results even though the magnitude of mean differences may be inconsequential. It is recommended to consult effect sizes to judge the practical meaning of the results. DISDEVLPKYes, I have a developmental disorder (ADHD, Autism spectrum disorder, etc.)DISMED1Yes, I have a medical disability not listed aboveVETERANVETPAYb Standard deviation is a measure of the amount the individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribut< ion.The mean is the arithmetic average of the students' benchmark scores where students answered at least 3/5ths of the benchmark items. d A percentile is the point in the distribution of student benchmark scores at or below which a given percentage of benchmark scores fall.7Number of written papers or reports of 20 pages or more' :Number of written papers or reports between 5 and 19 pages$ 9Number of written papers or reports of fewer than 5 pages' ,Quality of relationships with other students -Quality of relationships with faculty members BQuality of relationships with administrative personnel and offices Working for pay on campus Working for pay off campus Are you a current or former member of the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? (Item appeared only in the online instrument.)YIf yes: As part of your military experience, did you receive combat pay, hostile fire pay, or imminent danger pay? (Item appeared only in the online instrument.)sFraternity/sorority houseHispanic2Community coll. (voc/tech courses not at univ lvl).Community coll. (univ credit/transfer courses)*Part II. Comparisons to Other InstitutionsFrequency DistributionsBenchmark Statisticsda Major classifications are based on recodes of the student-reported primary major field (majrpcod).NSSE 2011 Major Field ReportGNSSE 2011 Major Field Report Part II. Comparisons to Other InstitutionsqNSSE 2011 Major Field Report: Part II. Comparisons to Other Institutions Interpreting the Frequency Distributions0H&I1nNSSE 2011 Major Field Report: Part II. Comparisons to Other Institutions Interpreting the Benchmark Statistics0H&I1JNSSE 2011 Major Field Report: Part II. Comparisons to Other Institutions aIFrequency distributions are reported separately for first-year students and seniors. Institution-reported class levels are used. Of course, first-year student reports of major are likely to be unstable, and interpretations of first-year results should be made with caution.Benchmark comparisons are reported separately for first-year students and seniors. Institution-reported class levels are used. Of course, first-year student reports of major are likely to be unstable, and interpretations of first-year results should be made with caution.Major Categories3BETWEEN Institution Comparisons on Major CategoriesStudents self-reported majors (primary major if two were reported) were assigned to one of 85 majors. Institutions had the option to customize how these were grouped into as many as eight major field categories. Institutions choosing not to customize receive NSSE s standard 8-category grouping. Major categories with fewer than five respondents in a given class are not reported. Comparison groups must contain at least three institutions with five or more respondents in the major category, or they are left blank.jItems that make up the five "Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice" are indicated by the following:nThe Count column represents the actual number of students who selected the particular option in each question.iThe '%' column represents the percentage of students who selected the particular option in each question. Students self-reported majors (primary major if two were reported) were assigned to one of 85 majors. Institutions had the option to customize how these were grouped into as many as eight major field categories. Institutions choosing not to customize receive NSSE s standard 8-category grouping. Major categories with fewer than twenty respondents in a given class are not reported. Comparison groups must contain at least three institutions with five or more respondents in the major category, or they are left blank.g Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from your institution's mean, and dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation.Other Professions AAU PublicsG13 x ONQuebec Institutions/The items VETERAN, VETPAY, DISNOW, DISSENSE, DISMOBIL, DISLEARN, DISDEVLP, DISMENT, DISMED, DISOTHER and DISREFUS were not included in the Canadian version of NSSE and no comparable questions were asked. Additionally, the following items have slightly different wording in the Canadian version of the survey, but were similar enough to combine for comparison purposes: 4a (PROBSETA), 4b (PROBSETB), 7e (FORLAN04), 11i (GNCITZN), and 19 (CLASS). For exact wording, refer to the Canadian versions of the survey. nsse.iub.edu/html/survey_instruments_2011.cfm hNumber of problem sets or problem-based homework assignments that take you more than an hour to completehNumber of problem sets or problem-based homework assignments that take you less than an hour to complete+How would you characterize your enrollment?\Are you taking all courses entirely on-line? (Item appeared only in the on-line instrument.)cDo you have any disabilities? (Select all that apply.) (Item appeared only in the on-line instrument and was preceded by the statement 'Your institution will not receive your identified response to the following question. Only an overall summary of responses will be provided.' Accordingly, this item does not appear in the NSSE11 data file or codebook.)ZWhich of the following best describes where you are living now while attending university?8Room or apart. in university residence or campus housing/Off-campus accomodation within walking distance/Off-campus accomodation within driving distance2What is your current classification in university?BDid you begin university at your current institution or elsewhere?1st year2nd year3rd year4th year|Comparing your students majoring in Other Professions fields to those in Other Professions fields at your comparison groupsQThe major field report category 'Other Professions' includes the following majors: Architecture; Urban Planning; Health technology (medical, dental, laboratory); Law; Library/archival science; Medicine; Dentistry; Veterinarian; Nursing; Pharmacy; Allied health/other medical; Therapy (occupational, physical, speech); Other professional.'Benchmark Statistics: Other ProfessionsSeniors (N = 106)ESIS: 24002000First-Year Students (N = 100)NSSE data serve to identify institutional strengths and weaknesses in reference to selected comparison institutions, yet institution-level comparisons may not capture important variation in student engagement that can be found within key sub-populations such as major. This report displays the benchmark comparisons for the Other Professions major category at your institution and at your selected comparison institutions.This report is based on information from all randomly selected or census-administered Other Professions students for both your institution and your comparison institutions. Targeted and locally administered oversamples and other non-randomly selected students are not included.sNSSE 2011 Major Field Report: Part II. Comparisons to <Other Institutions Frequency Distributions-Other ProfessionsNSSE data serve to identify institutional strengths and weaknesses in reference to selected comparison institutions, yet institution-level comparisons may not capture important variation in student engagement that can be found within key sub-populations such as major. This report displays the frequency distributions for the Other Professions major category at your institution and at your selected comparison institutions.b) ))U+]L,T#-+..6./P1Xr2z z3 x4 c5k 6 A6I 7'-859# ::;\<d=>>@ @ABiCqDD5E=EF[GcDHLHIJ(KhKT3LLYMENrNOfPR@Q,fQR#R R S jTV U XjXVXY  ZZ\\]^IerEi km*pwb}*ւUccB  #{  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?MAdobe PDFS odXXLetterPRIV ''''0\KhCFFSMTJAdobe PDF ConverterResolution1200dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne0EBDAStandard"dXX??&U} E} E} E} mE} $E} $ E#@@ @@@g@F@@ @ 9@ @  @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ UU"VVVVVVVVVVVVWW d? eeeeeeeeeeeXX "ffffffffffffXX "ffffffffffffXX g, gggggggggggYY "ggggggggggggWW g( gggggggggggWW " ggggggggggggWW h; iiiiiiiiiiiWW " ZZZZZZZZZZZZWW jQ kkkkkkkkkkk  llllllllllll [[[[[[[[[[[ mRnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn "nnnnnnnnnnnnWW nnnnnnnnnnnn llllllllllll  FFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFF Dl&2&&2&2&2&." ."&"""  @!@"@ <( X(  | X A??NSSE_greyPicture 2NSSE_grey.tif`]&X` J>@d Jd"J2     Sheet2b(b(?߿ggD  Fƨ  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?MAdobe PDFS odXXLetterPRIV ''''0\KhCFFSMTJAdobe PDF ConverterResolution1200dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne0EBDAStandard"dXX??&U} m E} E} mE} $E} $ Ea E@ @IJJJ  FFFFFFFFFFFGG o)ooooooooooo HHHHHHHHHHHH p? pppppppppppGG q-rrrrrrrrrrr s;ttttttttttt KLLLLLLLLLLL  FFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFF $."2.." 0aw(  t aw A??NSSE_greyPicture 2NSSE_grey.tifw]&a` '>@d ""     Sheet5b(b(3ggD  +m  dMbP?_*+%&(\?'(\?(?)(\?MAdobe PDFS odXXLetterPRIV ''''0\KhCFFSMTJAdobe PDF ConverterResolution1200dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne0EBDAStandard"dXX(\?(\?&U} $ } $ }  } $}  } I } m } $} m } } } $ +@@x@,@@  @ K@ , @@,@@@@,@ u.vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv{|||||||||     4  4     yZyyyy~ y\yllllll &yyyyy~llllllll &yyyyy~llllllll & yyyyy~llllllll & zzzzzzllllllll  \ 5  6 3    w ww y1 lll }5 lllll wwwllll llllll wwwllll llllllllll llllll  8llll llllll w wwllll llllll wwwllll llllll wwwllll llllll wwwllll llllll         9   y6 y~   yy~   yy~   yy~   w:w   ww   w;w   ww  Dl*4J****D\88(6D888&*&&& !,@"@#$%&'(@)*;@ w< w  !ww !  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