
Tamara Vukov | Noborder Media

Public talk by Dr. Tamara Vukov, FQRSC Postdoctoral Fellow based in the Dept. of Art History and Communication Studies and Media@韩国裸舞. All are welcome!

Monday, April 6th, 4-6 pm,听 Ferrier Building, Rm. 230 (Ferrier's street address is 840 Dr. Penfield, although there is also an entrance on campus. (map)

"Noborder Media: Some Thoughts on the Work of Activist Media / Art in Migrant Justice Movements"

This talk will present my recent research into some of the media activist and art practices that have emerged from migrant justice organizing networks in a number of locales in the global North over the past ten years.

Challenging the increasing regimes of closure and securitization of migration in Fortress Europe and Fortress North America from an anti-deportation/anti-detention perspective, these noborder networks have mobilized a range of flexible, innovative activist media and art practices in contesting the current governmental regulation of migration - from the anti-deportation campaigns targeting Lufthansa and KLM initiated by kein mensch ist illegal (no one is illegal) in Germany, to a series of Noborder camps, to more recent media and tactical art projects, activist video, and sound art (Ostojic, Ramujkic, Les Lucioles, Kanak Attack, SchleuserNet). Drawing on elements of participatory activist and militant research practices, this talk proposes to initiate a mapping of and reflection on the tactics and practices at work in what Angela Mitropoulos calls "noborder media" and its role in the articulation of translocal movements for justice and freedom of movement for migrants and undocumented people.

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