Webfilm and Citizenship

Production et circulation du webfilm : quelle(s) expression(s) politique(s)? is a collaborative seminar between the Centre for Research on Intermediality (CRI) and Media@. This event grows out of the Centre's Laboratory on Media and Society and will examine the role of internet forms like Youtube and Google in reshaping cultural and social life. Particularly, the group will discuss the webfilm and its political expressions. The presentations will be made in French, but comments and the Q&A session afterwards will be bilingual.

"Media@ is pleased to host this meeting of the CRI, with which we share a common interest in the political and ethical dimensions of media, technology and culture," says Marc Raboy. "We look forward to the CRI's reflection on the new communicative practices that one now finds so prominently displayed on the Web."

The CRI is a multi-university, interdisciplinary research body that looks at the interaction of media forms. It hosts an international conference each year, supports student work through fellowships and travel grants, and publishes the journal Գٱé徱é. “As I've told many people, I think Գٱé徱é is the best Canadian journal in the Humanities”, says William Straw. Over the past year, the CRI has moved to include several AHCS Faculty among its members. "This promises to be an event full of rich, theoretically-informed reflection on media technologies. It is also an occasion for AHCS students and faculty to build connections with scholars at the Université de Montréal and in the Francophone milieu more generally," adds Straw.

Date and time: 17 March, 2008, 2-5pm.
Location: 840 Dr. Penfield, room 230 (Ferrier building).

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