
Undergraduate Courses in Communication Studies 2011-2012


Fall 2011

COMS 210 Intro to Communication Studies (CRN 6231/6632)
Ingrid Bejerman, M/W/F, 11.35-12.25, MAASS 112.

COMS 230 Communication and Democracy (CRN 13415)
Prof. Barney, M/W/F, 1335- 1425, Arts W-215.

COMS 320 Media and Empire "Race and Colonialism" (CRN 13422 )
Prof. Burman, F, 1435-1725, Arts W-215.

COMS 340 New Media (CRN 13429)
Dr Christine Mitchell, T/TH, 1135-1255, Arts W-215.

COMS 361 Selected Topics Comm Studies 1 "Alternative and Citizen Media" (CRN 11576) A. Hintz, T/TH, 1305-1425, Arts W-215.
Students who took COMS 361 in the W2011 cannot take this course.

COMS 365 course description not available (CRN 13990)
Prof. Lentz, M/T/TH, 1035- 1125, Arts W-215.

COMS 492 Power, Difference and Justice "Disability, Technology and Communication" (CRN 13438) Prof. Sterne, T, 1135-1425, Ferrier 230.

COMS 497 Independent Study (CRN 10683)
Instructor's approval required.

Winter 2012

COMS 200 History of Communication (CRN 10273)
Lilian Radovac, M/W/F, 0935-1025, Arts W-215.

COMS 300 Media and Modernity in 20th C (CRN 6672)
Prof. Straw, T, 1435-1725, Arts W-215.
Students who took this course in the Fall 2008 cannot register for this course.

COMS 310 Media and Feminist Studies (CRN 10275)
Samantha Thrift, T/TH, 1305- 1425, Arts W-215.

COMS 330 Media in Cultural Life (CRN 10324)
Dwayne Avery, M/W, 1135-1255, Arts W-215.

COMS 490 SpTopics:Hist&Theory of Media "Media and Memory" (CRN 10276)
Samantha Thrift, F, 1135-1425, Arts W-220.

COMS 493 course description not available (CRN 10785)
Prof. Lentz, W, 1135-1425, Arts W-5.

COMS 510 Canadian Broadcasting Policy (CRN 10280)
TBA, TH, 1435-1725, Arts W-220.
This course is open to undergraduate and graduate students

COMS 560 Communications and Development (CRN 10281)
A. Hintz, W, 1435-1725, Arts W-5.
This course is open to undergraduate and graduate students

Media and Memory
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